Review of Forest Policy for the Heritage Council
Final report
Alexandra Bosbeer, Huw Denman, Jerry Hawe, David Hickie, Paddy Purser, and Patrick Walsh are delighted to announce the availability of their report on forest policy.
This report is being considered by the Heritage Council as a basis for its policy document, and we look forward to a later formal publication of the report and the Heritage Council policy.
In the meantime the Heritage Council are happy for stakeholders to view the report which is currently being considered by the Council. In permitting circulation of the report at this time, whilst it considers development of its own policy and priorities, the Heritage Council has asked readers to note that the views contained in the documentation are those of the Consultant's team as presented to Woodlands of Ireland and the Heritage Council.
Click below on the executive summary or for the full report (over 1MB).
link to page about the public consultation professional profiles of the authors