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Democracy through lobbying: Working to affect the EU

Originally published under the title “What are Quakers doing at the EU?” in the newsletter Around Europe (Quaker Council for European Affairs, or QCEA) There is a wide variety of non-governmental organisations in Brussels and in Strasbourg. Many are the EU advocacy offices of global organisations. Some are faith groups promoting …

A strategy to combat discrimination

[originally published in] The Council of Europe (CoE) is a European institution focussed on promoting and facilitating human rights, democracy and the Rule of Law. It has many more member states  -47- than its cousin the European Union (EU). The CoE in fact includes all the EU Member States. All these …

Landscape and history

I recently had an opportunity to do some walking around what Quakers call the ‘1652 Country’. To those, like me, who are not very familiar with English geography, let me explain that this is north of Lancaster, on the western side of the narrow bit of England between the bulges …