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Economic justice / inequality

Trading for injustice

[originally published on] The EU is working on developing free trade agreements with many countries of the world, from Canada possibly to China. QCEA (and others) have written about our concerns regarding special tribunals to protect investors whose profit expectations are undermined by legislation introduced by democratic governments. And we urge you to write …

A strategy to combat discrimination

[originally published in] The Council of Europe (CoE) is a European institution focussed on promoting and facilitating human rights, democracy and the Rule of Law. It has many more member states  -47- than its cousin the European Union (EU). The CoE in fact includes all the EU Member States. All these …


Just a few days ago, my first sight in the morning was a waterfall of droplets cascading down three stories of a wooden stairs, dripping through ceilings and walls, dropping along wooden stairs, and settling in the cellar. My schedule was dramatically re-arranged so I could clean up, although the …